About me

My name is Ercilia Tirado and most of my friends call me Ercy, I am wanting to get into this blogging world to express myself and share my love for fashion and beauty, My cute kids and husband and of course, fitness. I met my husband and didn't even know it because we just became friends and would spend so much time together and meanwhile, cupid was working on me and him, a year later we began dating and a year later we were married! :) 10.8.2011
I was born in Honduras but grew up in Utah all my life! I love Utah so much and visit all the time, we are military so we move all the time too. I have a babygirl named Nya and she literally lights up my life every single day with her sweet smile and giggles.
Since this picture my baby sure has grown and looks more like this now.
and we now have a new nugget added to our family named Derek and we are soooo in love

If you have any questions just shoot me a message at : Stollurheart@gmail.com

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