Thursday, April 13, 2017

Food above it all

So it may not surprise you that food is essentially the most important thing for weight loss, health and fitness. Like many of you I have been tempted by crash diets and strange and restrictive diet plans.  I have tried low carb before and it has worked for me but quickly after I'd lose 5 lbs id stop because my biggest addiction is carbs. You name a carb and I will probably tell you I love it, finding your weaknesses is important so you know what to tackle. I had to take a sit down with myself and be honest with myself. I don't crave sweets but if I have them on my fridge I'll eat them, aka ice cream. I'm working on the self control where I can have some treats and not all of it , an ashamed face emoji would go here cause that sounds silly but it's my truth. I made a low carb recipe that my kiddo loves and the husband and me! Which to me is a total winner cause that NEVER happens in a million years right? Well, here's the recipe cause it must be shared and eaten as a rice or even carb substitute.  

PS. I do eat carbs just very low and for dinnertime I've been avoiding carbs and will eat my carbs during the day and it seems to be really making a difference! 😊

You'll need a food processor or a manual grater, I chose the latter since it's what I have.
I grated the cauliflower and put it aside
I grated carrots and put them aside
I chopped purple onions and spring onions
I then oiled up my skillet with pure olive oil and added the cauliflower and carrots first since they take the most time to cook.
I added my condiments vegan low sodium & kosher bacon salt, pepper
I cooked on medium for 5 min then added the onions and stirred for another 10 min
And voila! A yummy and quick low carb dinner! 

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