Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Acceptance & Love

Hey everyone, this is my very first blog post and i'm excited. I love making videos but I also like writing and my fear of not having perfect grammar and my fear of not having a perfect look and body has held me back for so many years now, I always think I have to love how I look in all the pictures I take and I realize now it's not fair to my family, who know I avoid pictures like a plague and dodge any shot of me in pictures. I can tell you that I love fashion, dressing up and having fun and feeling confident when I speak to people, and, I can also tell you that that also hasn't been me for years now since I began gaining weight when I was in my late teens. I went downhill from there and went through depression, pregnancies, anxiety and many trials and hated my body. Last year, I made a goal to be " HAPPY" and I was able to achieve my goal through acceptance of who I am, this took a lot of meditating and prayer, I took better care of myself but I don't think I could have done it without my husband who always tells me i'm beautiful even when I was at my worst and had just given birth with stretch marks everywhere, nursing bra on fleek and skin problems due to hormones. I can always rely on one of my best friends for amazing support too cause I don't even know how many times I have told her negative body comments and she's there to tell me "Ercy, you are beautiful" I, today do not have very good body image and feel a lot of insecurities but I know that I can do something about it and meanwhile I do I am still living and I don't want to put my life on pause, I don't want to look back and have no pictures of my existence for years, I don't want to hide away under a shoebox and I will do everything I can to make myself be more positive and ultimately get fit and become who I want to be. I want to be able to feel cute and stylish again and have the confidence to rock clothes I want and not feel afraid to stand out for fear of people looking at me. So, here is my body after 2 kids and trials, it's not perfect. I'll do all I can to become healthy and fit by eating better meals since I now realize how important the food that actually goes into our body is, how it can affect our moods and even emotions and weight of course so I'll be talking about these points since I will be going through a fitness journey. I am giving myself an entire year to fulfill this and I have put myself on schedule, I'll be doing exercises I haven't done in years because I now realize the importance of all over body exercise. I want to do something I have never done before and I am more than optimistic about my goals. I also want to learn to love myself again so I will be caring for not only my outward appearance but my spirit since this spirit is what drives it all. I will be sharing fashion posts, Fitness, and Lifestyle of me and my little family plus my YouTube videos will go hand in hand with this blog too. I hope you find my journey interesting enough to follow. xoxo  E.T - Yes, my initials are alien lol ;)


  1. Girl you are beautiful!! I too have held myself back from some of my goals because I wasn't where I wanted to be physically. I seek perfection, and don't like to show my flaws, but we all have them and that's what makes us all unique and beautiful. People resonate with someone who is "real", even though for some reason we all want what sometimes isn't realistic. Life can be hard, and the reality is, it can take its toll on your body (everyone is different)! 1 child, divorce, and being a single parent for close to 3 yrs made me put some of my needs to the side. To be a happy mother and wife though we've got to take care of ourselves too though.. You go girl! I'm right there with you on this year being a year for more vulnerability, and positive changes! ❤️ You're inspiring!

    1. I'm so happy I inspire. I am the same way with seeking perfection and there's no perfect person on this earth. Thank you for sharing because it just encourages me even more.

  2. This brought tears to my eyes and a big smile! You are so absolutely beautiful inside and out Ercilia! The tolls of having babies, being a momma and wife are all huge. Who knew how challenging, beautiful, and scary it would all be. It is so easy to forget yourself in it all. And man why does it have to be so hard on your body as well. Making even 20 min away from it all, for yourself to take care of yourself, has become one of the hardest things I have experienced. I am so thankful for your words and bravery. I am excited for you and will definitely being following you. ❤ You go girl! #rockstar

    1. Thank you Jessica! I had tears as I wrote this and I appreciate your sweet words. <3<3<3

  3. That face. Stunning Erci, per usual.


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